The cost of malnutrition affects every country in the world

Yearly cost USD 3.5 trillion › analysis › nutrition-prosperity
25 mar 2019  ¹ Worldwide, malnutrition costs $3.5 trillion annually, with overweight- and obesity-related noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), such as …

Return on Investment 16X

Why invest in nutrition
NUTRITION IS A SMART ECONOMIC INVESTMENTInvesting in nutrition is one of the most cost-effective drivers for development and prosperity. Every $1 invested in nutrition can generate $16 in returns.


500 USD Per Capita

On average it has been studied that countries lose USD 500 per capita due to malnutrition .
“In Africa there is an average loss of 11% of gross domestic product (GDP). In some countries this can be up to 20%. Countries could be losing billions. Unfortunately, this does not ring any (warning) bells with policymakers,” 

Up to 16% of GDP

The Cost of Malnutrition: Why Policy Action is Urgent › sites › default › files › pictures
de WPA is Urgent  The cost to low-income nations of productivity foregone due to undernutrition has been estimated as 3 to 16% (or more) of GDP.12 Similarly, in high-income …